Friday, October 11, 2013


Forum tried to warn people about SCI, Dr Shivani, and her Australian case managers.


Surrogacy in India Forum: Pea in an Indian Pod

This forum is now INACTIVE due to the dangers of doing surrogacy in India. We have left the General Process and New Delhi topics for public view to warn others of the corruption and lies that can occur with some doctors in India.
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 NEW!!! Megan (Amani), Shivani's Bully Attack Dog, Has Now Turned Her Back on Shivani

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Posts: 311
Join date: 2009-05-05

PostSubject: NEW!!! Megan (Amani), Shivani's Bully Attack Dog, Has Now Turned Her Back on Shivani   Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:44 am

I find this so ironic, after being bullied by Amani (Megan), Shivani's personal attack dog for years! And now, Amani is turning the tables on Shivani. Megan is a hypocrite, liar, manipulator, evildoer, greed incarnate, bully, and is mentally unstable. Apparently, all the things she has cursed me out for, she's complaining about herself with Shivani! What a joke of a person Megan turned out to be! She literally gave me hell for accusing her precious Shivani of the following: overcharging, extortion, surrogate mishandling, corruption, shoddy IVF work and unprofessionalism and it ALL ENDED UP BEING TRUE! Can you believe the audacity of these women. They are dirtier than any politics in India because they are dealing with human life. For shame on them for being this way, I don't even feel sorry for Megan or her followers as I tried hard to warn them with my article and telling the world. I TOLD YOU GUYS SO!!!!  

Here's the L.A. Times article again:

Read the blog post that Amani wrote here:

Why I left SCI Healthcare, Dr Shivani, Delhi India 

I never felt I would ever have to write this blog post. I know a lot of you love her, I did too, but no more. I have disabled comments to this blog, let the chips fall where they may, I may lose "friends" due to this post, and I will most likely get legal letters. After 4 years of this, I no longer care.
" />

I worked with SCI Healthcare from 2009, til early 2013. When I started working with this doctor, she was brilliant.  My babies Tony and Mishali were born through her medical care, and forever I will be happy about this. Grateful? Now? No.To Rani and Mithu who carried my babies? Yes, To Shivani? No, Why no?  Because repeated requests to be in touch with Rani and Mithu, I have been denied.
" />
In March 2013 I left SCI Healthcare because of numerous reports of over-charging. I left because of the incredibly high rate of surrogate hospitalisations, which gouged clients for money, but for which were never receipted to the client. I left because I did not believe SCI was actually doing FET for clients who were gay. single de facto, and I left because  they were quoting pregnancy stats they I personally collated over  years, that they relied upon to bring clients in, that were no longer true. I left because they were telling clients their surogates lived in accommodation, when they didn't, I left because they charged clients for services never given, and I left because when anyone quesstioned an account, or a medivsl report, or dared to ask about the progress of their pregnancy, Shivani personally got involved and was abusive to clients, accused clients of not caring about their surrogates, and then I had to deal with the emotions of the shattered IPs.

SCI Healthcare and Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, her husband Dr Vishal Dutt Gour, and their primary client manager,  Margarida of South Australia, are now all resting on their laurels. They are feeding you bullshit. It's great to see the babies being born, and promoting the positive, but where are the new pregnancy announcements? When will the baby births run out? Very soon.

Here is the truth about SCI Healthcare's actual stats now, not the old ones I collated from 2009, which I was very proud of. To be updated while I count the actual cycle numbers.

March, 2013
FET cycles - 14/15 negative
Fresh egg donor cycles - 25% positive ongoing pregnancy

April, 2013

FET cycles - 14/15 negative
Fresh egg donor cycles - 15% positive ongoing pregnancy

May 2013
FET cycles, all negative
Fresh egg donor cycles, 15% positive ongoing pregancy
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NEW!!! Megan (Amani), Shivani's Bully Attack Dog, Has Now Turned Her Back on Shivani

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