Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Post from another SCI Employee who lives in Ireland

URL: http://delhidaydreams.blogspot.com/

Poster: Karen Lynagh

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
knives being sharpened
This is my last post on this subject not for fear or for any moral reasons just not going to hijack my blog on these issues.

Anyway, as I said yesterday I knew I would be attacked.   I have received the emails and the threats. The threats are to tell people and to do the following:

1. Meg telling people I am a client  manager for UK and Ireland- I think I have been in contact with two couples from uk who were coming to delhi and we met them when we went to pickup molly they were already cycling with SCI at the time.

Yes I have referred couples from ireland to SCI and proud to do so and will continue to do so. I also helped with setting up new forum for SCI as old forum was stopped. I do not recruit clients but if someone contacts me I would pass them on to Meg or Margarida. If someone needs a bit of handholding and help along the way I assist with this. I received payment and credit for this as have many who do the same for clients.  I have no problem admitting this but I will not be threatened. No I am not in business nor am I a partner with SCI  nor am I privy to stats, medical information or any confidential information.

2. Attorneys being brought in by Crystal who felt I defamed her.  I apologise that you felt my comment re devious and evil players was directed at you. It was not. I was discussing you in the context of unbiased commentators.

3. That my daughter was paid for by SCI - oh Kim Hendrix-my how I wish this was true but unfortunately not so. thank you though for being concerned.

4. Going to show my emails where I professed my love for meg. I think I professed what many did at the time meg was leaving. That she would be missed. I also said that if we decided to go ahead with a sibling we would contact her. It was under the guise of friendship that she had warned me about sci and to use other clinics.  Again, I was and always be thankful to meg for her help with our first surrogacy.

Basically the moral of this whole story was as I said yesterday. Research, research, research....dont take my word or meg's, crystal's kim's or anyone else. Surrogacy and infertility are a scary business.

So let those who want to attack me do so if they wish. Others can choose to believe me or think anything they want of me. I have no issues with that.

I know SCI and Dr Shivani and Dr Vishal are the reasons we are parents today. What others could not do they did for us.

As I said I will not visit this topic again. Think of me what you will and believe what you will.
Best wishes to all xxx
Posted by Delhi Dreamers at 9:35 AM 
1.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Karen I applaud your courage to say what many of us have wanted to say but haven't for whatever reason. Thankyou for been brave enough to do this knowing full well that you would get the negative emails and threats.
Whichever clinic people use they should research and even with all the best research often there are problems and concerns that occur throughout the process. This is hardly surprising as we are all doing this thru long distance and email/skype... doing surrogacy is fraught with potential problems and people actually have to take a leap of faith/trust to proceed. I am so glad we did and even though we went to 3 different clinics in 2 different countries I have nothing but praise for the care and treatment we recieved from SCI. It took us 5 attempts before we were successful but we got there an dthat is the only thing that matters to us now.. our 3 beautiful children.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much for your comments and sharing your experiences. Best wishes xx
2.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Mrs K, aap bahut bahadur hai, you are very brave to say what many feel including us the art bank for the surrogates, please find these quotes which is suitable
“They way these people Meg/ Kim etc are acting is so counter to how normal, rational people act that anyone who receives their missives isn’t going to take them seriously. For every point they make there are many more that hurt their credibility (Frankly, calling and e mailing hundreds and paying home visits to people is enough to ruin her credibility, and that’s before we even get to the content of the emails.) And the fact that they are rambling about anything at all — believe me, people are not taking these seriously. Imagine, after all, if you were on the receiving end of these letters about someone else. Would you think, “Wow, it sounds horrible,” or would you think, “These people have some serious problems and are annoying me”? You’d think the latter.”” If I got one email I’d raise an eyebrow and maybe poke at it and let it sit in my head as she may have a point. At 3 emails I’d say, these women are weird and dismiss any legit point she may have had. Once it hit 5 or so I’d start sharing with my friends, “look what weird crazy women sent me.” If they were really regular I’d just set up an auto trash and if I thought anything of the person who was the target it would be sympathy.
These emails say way more about them than you.
I would bet that many people have already blocked her, and many others haven’t only because of the morbid curiosity of what goofy stuff she will do next.

They are basically broadcasting to a network “If you hire me then someday I’ll be sending these emails about you.”
It clearly isn’t about you. And everyone who sees something like this will get it. Just think of each additional email as a note that you made the right choice and that others will see it that way. Or better yet, set up a rule for your email, mark as read and delete
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks so much for your comments. Best wishes xx
3.                    https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhNfJl7riVXs_eGAkPnUhWhg0yQ7hK9wRBC0vaiFIOud6-hKYmuaZs2VK7-07e4Xe-9S-zc081KMH3KigWepOcHXFjO7XRdpqr4TV0bjyWc6zdmFpI9jt2zPFV-Fdn5NXMtf4KhRf1qhrA/s45/100_0962.JPG
Good summary post. This is a hard enough journey without all this happening. As you say anyone involved in undertaking surrogacy needs to do their research and stand by the decisions they make. If it is not successful or if there are issues along the way then as adults we have to sort out those issues without blaming others for the misfortune. Thanks again for posting such an insightful post
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks again for uour comments. Best wishes xx
4.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
K, you helped and continue to help us on our journey and also other irish couples, we all appreciate it so much as surrogacy is little talked about here its wonderful to have your help and support during this time xx
5.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks Rosie for your comment and support xxx
6.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Dear Karen,
We thank you for your kind words about SCI. We are very happy that we have clients like you who understands surrogates care and the values and what they have done for their families.

We feel very honored to have clients like you and it gives us motivation to keep up the work that we are doing.

We as SCI staff feel very proud that we are working with the excellent organization where we are helping parents to complete there family.

We once again would like to thank you for your continues trust upon us.

With Best Regards,
Jyoti & Nisha
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much for your kind words. Best wishes xxx
7.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Hello Karen !!

We hope that you are enjoying a lot with Molly…

We thank you so much for your kind words. Your words gives us strength and motivated us in a positive way.

SCI is so honoured and have so much proud on you and your support. We are blessed to have you with us.

We are always there to help you.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Best wishes xx
8.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Hi Karen,

Thank you so much for your love and support..

1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much xx
9.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Dear Karen, We really appreciate your bravery of posting the truth on your blog. We are happy to know what you think about us & our work. We are very grateful to you for standing there for us and supporting the real truth even after knowing that you will be attacked very badly. We are glad that you stood up for what you feel. We always try our best to assist our each & every client because they all are very special to us. Wishing all of them a lots of luck on their journey !!

Lots of love & hugs to our lovely Molly :))

Also, Wishing her belated Happy Birthday.

Best Wishes,
Lalit & Yogita
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much Lalit and Yogita. We are forever grateful to all of you for our beautiful Molly!!!! All the couples you all have helped to become families -- we are blessed to have her and it was SCI that made that possible!!! Best wishes xxx
10.                 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_aWGEf2drok/T6hRyznqUoI/AAAAAAAAAD4/YIpKYZIxkX8/s45/me%25252B009.JPG
Look who gives a S**t what people think, you know who you are and what you do. If in your heart you know what your are doing is right and what you say to be true F**K them. That's my life, people don't like what I got to say I always tell them to F**k Off. I went to SCI I am grateful I got a baby the first time, and I will always have MEG'S back. Meg helped me through and had me trust the system. Belive in yourself that's all that mattres
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks Michael. I too received great help from Meg that why it made posting about her so much harder. Even considered her a friend at one time. She has given my full name on her blog as if to shame me ---- but thats just meg showing her true colors. I am thrilled and take pride in the fact that I am a client of SCI snd a proud parent of a baby born through surrogacy. Thank you again - I hope your little Isabella is doing well :)
11.                 http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
We hope you are well.

Thanks for your kind words and wonderful support that you have showed towards Dr Shivani and whole SCI team.

We are always there to help you.

Gourav Rathi
12.                 http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you Gourav for your support. Best wishes xx
13.                 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wjeB2SG4NGU/UH-w_KK9BZI/AAAAAAAAAG0/vOvhxPDpCOY/s45/ganeshaaa.jpg
Hi nice post but for some of you who began with SCI some years ago, you have indeed been very lucky unlike ourselves where we have had emails only with negative results. I wonder what your thoughts are on that? Though Dr Shivani is lovely, I personally am very angry with the 5 negatives we have had so far. Most clinics offer 5 free attempts, but with us, we had paid twice the enrolment charges, paid also for FET & yet we got only 2 free attempts which all resulted in negatives. Each time our hopes raised but only to be crushed cruelly with emails telling us we didn't make it again. Yes surrogacy is a difficult journey, but is it meant to be this much difficult? The stats that are being mentioned by SCI then must be set right so to not to mislead IP's. We are now told to sign up for a 'multi-attempt' package. With failures throughout, I do not want to go into further debt anymore as I have no faith left in SCI.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Mali - thank you for your comment but if you had said to me prior to January 23 2012 (the day we finally received our positive email) that I was one of the lucky ones I probably would have cried. I remember going through Meg's blog list and we being the only blog on her list who was not pregnant or had not had their child yet on the whole list and thinking omg this is never going to happen. And there were many days when I truly beleived this would never happen but we kept going. And I truly did believe that it would be Dr Shivani to get us to this point and thankfully it was. Of course you are angry---anyone of us would be the same. I have no idea what your situation is ie: egg quality (an issue for us) or sperm quality(again an issue for us) or maybe there is no issue with either. I have no magic answer. All I know is that Dr Shivani and SCI were thankfully able to help us and I truly, truly hope that whatever clinic you go with you receive that positive email quite soon. Best wishes to you for your success xxx
14.                 http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
This comment has been removed by the author.

  1. We have been with two clinics in India, 10 tries total and a beautiful daughter with SCI. It is not an easy road
    1. Thanks Kerrie for your comment - I know what a rollercoaster of a journey you guys!!! Thanks for commenting xx
  2. Also wanted to mention that our journey took three years in India We kept the faith and SCI delivered.
  3. It took us quite a few tries. Our 5th surrogate was successful and she never once went into hospital. I kept looking at a little quote I have on the fridge that says " Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up". At the end of the day it is IVF and Dr's aren't god. I will always be grateful to SCI.

Monday, October 14, 2013
Transparency and the like.....
Well, this post today was supposed to be a roundup of Miss Molly birthday celebrations for the past month as well as hitting the 13 month mark.  However, rumors and innuendos have had to change the subject of this blog as I refuse to chat about my angel on the same page.

I am of course referring to the blog post by Megan Sainsbury (amani) the ex-employee of SCI.  The ex-employee who along with her business partner, Kim Hendrix, have set up a business with other clinics in India and Thailand  Individuals who use 'impartial' sites to flog their businesses.  Unfortunately, Megan apparently decided that as she cant seem to get enough clients to go to her clinics in India she will do her best to steal clients from a wonderful organization like SCI and Dr Shivani.

I know I will be targeted by Meg and her pack but you know what sometimes you just have to stand up and question things especially when people are giving a very slanted version of events. Especially as this version of the truth directly effects Meg's financial well being.  I am sure it is hard on Meg.  She went from making hundreds of thousands of dollars and then to find herself trying to start a new business ---it's not easy to get people to move away from their clinic but maybe a few lies here and there help moving things along....

I have been in contact with Meg for over four years now.

I have seen her good, bad and downright cut throat behaviour but this takes the cake.

For her to actively target people who try to make comments on her blog re the 'truth' she is telling is wrong.  I have tried to comment on her blog only to be told that my blog is not considered a team player and I am not allowed to leave comments??????? Hello?????

This from the woman who is all for the truth and nothing but the truth?????
Or is that only her version of the truth?????
The version of the truth that she found once her payments stopped??????  That's kind of rich.........

I also found it amazing that Meg unfriended so many of us on Facebook who had positive experiences with SCI.  Is this in case we might share our good experiences about Dr Shivani and defend negative comments that Meg makes?????

And their are others whose comments have been  posted  only to receive very nasty emails threatening them to mind their own business and take care of their children....nice....real transparent....

Meg claims she is looking out for IP's ---ironic that ----was that while she was making plans to start a business in direct competition or is it that things are so slow and her new doctors were promised she would bring so many clients with her that she felt the need to come 'clean'?

Since May, Meg has contacted many who have frozen embryos under the guise of friendship to offer to 'help them'.  This assistance has been to suggest that they leave SCI to use other clinics as they would have better success with these clinics.  Of course, she failed to mention at this time that she was working with these clinics or that she had no proof of their statistics.

Meg is talking about all of her stats and positives and negatives --- where is she getting this proof ---if she is no longer an SCI employee how is she is obtaining figures to support her version of events???  I hardly think Dr Shivani or Dr Vishal were happy to discuss results with her - positive or negative.  Also, she had been contacting clients to see if they had had negative or positive results but not all those contacted were happy to reply to her.

I always wonder when a person's deep conversion and need to tell their version of the truth also impacts on what they are doing now.

Also, I find it incredibly funny some of the commentators on her blog are for the most part so unbiased!!

Bob - definitely an unbiased individual as he has Dr Shivani to thank for his two children - oh wait he is Meg's husband ---hmmm maybe not so unbiased after all.... ;

Next, Kim a auntie thanks to Dr Shivani for her sister's two children---oh wait she too has seen the dollar signs and what started as an altruistic way to help the transparency of surrogacy for IP's has now become big business for her--hmmm again maybe not so unbiased either....;

Crystal --- for many of us who have been around the block we know of Crystal as well.  Again a parent through a different Doctor who then went on again to see dollar signs and start her own business representing a different doctor then the one who gave her her three children.....hmmm am I the only one starting to see a pattern here????

Anyway, the only thing I know is that we have our little girl thanks to two people - Dr Shivani and our surrogate B.  Am I thankful to Meg and to Margarida for all their help - of course I am that is why it is so hard to write this post as I considered Meg a friend.

I know people have had difficulties with getting positives.  Unfortunately, surrogacy is not a 100 percent guarantee---it is an IVF procedure on a woman and it may or may not work just like every IVF procedure.  For alot of us it basically just gets us to the starting line that most fertile people take for granted.  And of course as in the real world some pregnancies go smoothly ---others do not.

Our surrogate was in hospital for over eight weeks of her pregnancy for different issues.  Of course this was a financial hardship at the time.  Meg never questioned these hospitalizations and neither did I.  The main thing to me was that our surrogate was safe and healthy and that meant so was our baby.  I have seen her attack others when they questioned hospitalizations, or costs in the past and now to hear her take on events it is amazing.

A new and improved, kinder and gentler Meg is being portrayed but as you can see with comments she adds against those who question her the old Meg is just under the surface - simmering and waiting to to surface....

As I said I know I will be attacked and that is fine.  Meg can tell lies about me or have others attack me if she chooses.  What is that old saying ---sticks and stones..... anyway this is my version of the truth and just wanted to get it off my chest.

The issue of Meg and SCI is a business one and potential Intended Parents need to keep in mind that Megan worked for SCI and previously promoted  them wholeheartedly. Do not allow an ex-employee with an axe to grind and whose financial well being depends on lies being believed be the reason that you choose a different clinic.

I hope that others will research, research, research.  Follow your heart and hopefully no matter what road you choose to follow it will lead to your baby.  That is what we did and thankfully it worked.

Our deepest thanks to Dr Shivani, Dr Vishal and all at SCI for our beautiful baby girl.  Without you all I know in my heart and soul we would never have been parents.  God bless you all!!!!!

Best wishes to all IP's on this tough, tough journey!!!! I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that you find success!!!!!
K xxx

Posted by Delhi Dreamers at 5:21 PM 
1.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Everyday in the last 3 years I give thanks to surrogacy and now to you K. How can Meg look her children in the eye.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Kunika thanks so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. Best wishes to you :)
2.                    https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhNfJl7riVXs_eGAkPnUhWhg0yQ7hK9wRBC0vaiFIOud6-hKYmuaZs2VK7-07e4Xe-9S-zc081KMH3KigWepOcHXFjO7XRdpqr4TV0bjyWc6zdmFpI9jt2zPFV-Fdn5NXMtf4KhRf1qhrA/s45/100_0962.JPG
Good on you for posting this real side of the story. I find it appalling that clients of SCI who are in the process have to deal with Megan's tactics.....she might say she is doing it because these IP's are frightened but her motives are very questionable as she is definetly telling porky pies to try and sway business her way. When I questioned her disappointing post (I did not make any personal attacks) and suggested she was frightening IP's and there must be a more positive way forward, she emailed me and told me to butt out of her business and look after my children.Meg says that I had a dream cycle got preganant the first time and how lucky I was. Yes I was lucky and it couldnt have happened without the skill and professionalism of Dr Shivani and SCI........things with the Indian law changes, less availability of surrogate mothers, competitiors in the Indian market which translate to a slight downturn in SCI business now seem to be the fault of Dr Shivani ....this is grossly unfair assumption. I maintain my position and so happy we went through SCI....if we had the money, time, energy and youth I would be back to SCI to have more but three is certainly our beautiful blessing.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks for sharing your experiences New Year Dreaming. I appreciate your comments xx
3.                    https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjvYfkH61DF47Zni0kJIE16H3YanmrT7svl2jnRhx01fILTrPrG7-b2HzQMx2cdIThGj4vdM79w56DsuQmFxRyiSUeFBV-2rleWhHu9ugpsxCnedlUzUuK1ZNDv-8pXrd622OFsKEwPwP5I/s45/close%25252Bamber.jpg
Well done! Such a sad state of affairs when someone who was blessed with two beautiful children needs to spend her time bringing down one clinic so she can send the other clinic's some new business. The majority of us see right through this ploy and the huge holes in her story. I was one that was emailed and told to mind my own business and called to try and persuade me to go with another clinic for our sibling project. Then she cc'ed me on emails trying to set up Dr Shaven. I have since blocked her from contacting me.You only have to look back to bob and amanis old post warning people about thailand calling surrogacy australia members a bunch of desperadoes to see the lengths she will go to and inconsistencies.
I hope that she soon wakes up to herself and realises she just makes herself look unprofessional.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks lucylu for sharing your experiences. Best wishes xx
4.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Hi, this is a great post and I hope everyone concerned reads it, I hated the way she used her blog to stress new IPs and those beginning the journey ect, its not nice and very contradictory. As a fellow irish couple you have been our inspiration ,thanks k xx
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Hi Rosie - thanks for taking the time to comment. Nice to see some Irish on here :) xx
2.  https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjL-cJw4UDO3iLWnDGq_NisBoEh1yVsGkoULLPIyQIuYoDivsU8QOUKf-fdZIc1sludNy14_otWCtdZ0XUsmfnVAeb4hGlbe6XaKeV-0HrOWeAiG9v4dMUNBQjUim0-L5bomfh_yavpLet_/s45/5x7.5img_1480.jpg
I have asked you to remove my name from your blog, because this is defamation of character. I do not know you, nor have I ever blogged about you. Dragging me in the middle of SCI, cat fight is outrageous. I am not on their payroll. All you have just done is fanned the flames. I have helped hundreds of IP's over the years fulfill their dream to parenthood. If someone does not wish to hire a facilitator they do not have too.
3.  http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Hi Crystal thanks for the comment. I have not dragged you into the middle of anything. You posted a comment to Meg blog re surrogacy. I simply stated that you were an individual who had a business based on surrogacy with a couple of doctors around Delhi. I also stated that your three children were born through a different doctor. Was there something incorrect in these statements?? I believe your three children were born via surrogacy through Dr Patel in Anand. You work for other clinics and you have a business called World of Surrogacy. Forgive me but where is the defamation?
4.  http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
I apologise crystal that you felt you were being targetted by my words devious snd evil players. I received your email regarding yoir attorneys being aware if this. I was not referring to you Crystal as being devious or evil. Best wishes to you and your attorneys.
5.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
We have been reluctant to share our story as we are very private people. We are probably one of those statistics that Meg quoted in her blog. We have been through IVF with clinics in both SA and QLD, they all cost more than we thought, and we hated being treated as a number. We see doing surrogacy in India pretty much in the same light.

Not everything about SCI is good, but on the balance of probability, it was the best option for us.

We have the highest regard for both Dr. Shivani and SCI team. Like many others our issues remain with Meg. We found her emails to be aggressive and confrontational and at one point in our discussions’ she decided to cancel our egg donor because ‘she had enough’ and we were ‘wasting our money’ with the U.S egg donor agency – just did it. We were high maintenance so she happily left us to her offsider.

So, within the context we described as above, we were very surprised to hear from Meg, wanting to see how we were going and if we were pregnant? We questioned why she had called us, why she didn't know our results? Meg did not identify that she had left SCI, this was at the end of May. This was followed by another phone call in which she suggested we consider both International Fertility Centre in Delhi and Corion as options for future treatment. She made comment about the lowering of standards with SCI and how things would be so much better for us if we went to this new clinic. Meg has no perception into her own behaviour and how that was a problem for us. We said NO.

Our experience of Meg is that she is tactless and spiteful. Her own recall is poor as she does not remember what she had said to us previously, or no longer had access to that information. Under the guise of friendship, she will happily use confidential information to her own advantage, to score points, trashing many on the way with suggestion and innuendo – forgetting we were not her friends, but her clients. To other IP's she spoke to, her intention was to cause distress and doubt, to cast herself in the role of saviour. At no time did she disclose her relationship with the new clinics or donor services that she was suggesting we move to or use.

NB: Ironically, the American egg donor clinic, which she trashed to us as ‘a waste of money’ on more than one occasion is now a key provider of egg donors for her new clients. They are also more expensive. When I questioned the owner about the higher fees, she admitted to paying commissions to facilitators who recommended clients to them and that ‘not all costs could be absorbed within the normal fee structure’.
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much for sharing so publicly your story --I know it is not easy to do so and really appreciate it . Best wishes xx
6.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Has anyone else noticed how Megan's story changes? The pattern of threatening emails to former clients who challenge her reality, her inability to recall what she has said previously to us, individually? I wrote to her, telling her she was scaring people, her response, " Good!"
1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thanks for sharing that ---I notice the change in things as well. Even with her stats --things change daily if she is challenged. It is scary but I think that what she wants to do --it is in her best interest to scare people so she can save them. Best wishes xxx
7.                    https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEglm2sBku0kOIlYzb8lPoYPhtc6YqV0s2-NPNWRG8_CdzDXkQyhpjhMP6k3Xn0EWbig2bvDkSsAPQh7mKPPJbdebqF1NXVd2tMIFUzzl10kyzG258zOMm120X3ek9BHTC_CQSTojMXRFAU/s45/quote.PNG
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1.                        http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you so much FG for sharing your story. I am sorry such drama was made over your visit. It seems there is so much cloak and dagger nonsense from people with questionable motives. That is what is so upsetting - as these are the same people who are supposed to be so impartial and transparent. It really is a shame --as you said of course their will be grievances along the way that happens but things need to be addressed differently without the hiding in dark corners and speaking out of both sides of their mouths. Thank you again for sharing your story. I know it is not easy to go forward publicly. Best wishes xxx
8.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you for giving me the other side of this. I would never have known that she was an employee of the competition. We had just settles on using SCI when I found her post and we were left to be very confused and not sure who to trust.

I appreciate having more than one view.
9.                    http://img2.blogblog.com/img/b36-rounded.png
Thank you jalara for your comments. Best wishes to you on this journey xx

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