Tuesday, November 5, 2013

FCI ART BANK talks about Megan's compensation, free surogacies and free expenses in Mumbai (these are allegations, not proven)

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


 This is Shilpi Saurabh Kumar from FCI. I know next it is my turn for abuse from Megan Sainsbury the bully of surrogacy community. Mr Saurabh Kumar is education is from DPS one of the best schools in New Delhi and even of he doesn't speak English he understands and reads it perfectly and writes well. He is working with Dr Shivani from before Megan joined Dr Shivani, she has no idea how brick by brick they have raised this organization with all set up equipments staff from which she earned around 600,000 dollars plus cost of two surrogacies and costs in Delhi. Megan trying to say that FCI do not know about finances or IP requests or surrogate payments is just nonsense. I can recall those days when she was in India  She never wanted her surrogate mothers to be very attached with her or babies. Bob was so uncomfortable in front of the surrogates. Suddenly what made her to behave like this? I am surprised! By writing fake statements what she wants to prove?

 she was always telling that Ips should not get too attached and respect surrogate mothers decision and privacy. She always said that some IPs who say like that do it to make themselves feel good or because they feel judement by others.

Any client who wants to share pictures,cards, gifts, finances with their surrogates, they send it to SCI and SCI forward it to FCI and we share it with surrogates. That is the whole procedure. Surrogates don’t have any problem in this as by doing this they can maintain their privacy and confidentiality and at the same time they can know well being of babies. After completing their responsibility being surrogate they are free to live their life as per their choice and they can decide whether they are interested to be in contact with IP or not. After surrogacy surrogate has right to accept or deny. Most of the IPS could be interested to contact their surrogate mothers but all may not be. FCI have same attachment with all surrogate mothers. All are special and important and their emotions too

We have always been honest with our intended parents. We provide correct information which gets verified during the Govt. verification and in interview too, that’s why babies get their visa. We believe in transparent communication. We have an number of IPs can contact to their surrogates through us and if they come India we arrange face to face meeting as per IP request and surrogate’s wish. We do not encourage you Megan to mention my surrogate’s name here in your personal abusive public talks. You are into this profession since so many years how could you forget that. What if surrogate object? Will you be answerable?

For your information after C section its common for all ladies to be on rest for certain time of period. She cannot start going here and there within day or two after delivery. Her care is FCI responsibility.  AS PER YOU MEGAN If surrogate go back her village in all cases after 1-2 days after delivery then how she can sign document related to paper work and how some appears in embassy or FFRO interview. Does it make sense?

Every new parents love to click their pictures with their kids. Megan did the same and nothing is wrong in this. Instead of taking it as emotional thing why she is taking it as commercial stuff.

FCI still on its words that during pregnancy all surrogate lives in surrogate apartments and yes, we 180 apartment approx. But after surrogacy our surrogates are not bound to live at the same address for lifelong. Kim Hendrix also big liar, she introduce herself to all of us as SCI client manager when in Delhi. Same trip she meet other doctors to set up business but not tell us. Lies to Poonam also at time of exit visa. Meeting with other clinic in daytime and dinner with SCI. Lies to clients, US Embassy at baby pick up to get testimonials. So many lies. Megan has big fight with K Hendrix then Megan is suddenly friends with her and they working same clinics now. Kim Hendrix talks about transparency and herself is most non transparent and when she is exposed her husband sending legal threats, lawyer in India lawyer in USA.

There is no comparison between GoodKimH. and Megan. . GoodKimH. is a lady with great patience. GoodKimH comes India almost every year and sometimes earlier, to meet with her surrogate mother. If she doesn’t get her surrogate mothers available in town then she waits for them. Sometimes she waits for a week or so. She loves to spend her full day with her surrogates and kids. She does Photo shoot to make memories for those special moments, which she spent with them.  love and care is unconditional for her surrogates and for their families too.  This is called real bonding. The there is a person like Megan Sainsbury, She abuses FCI on a very festive occasion if they cannot bring surrogate for Megan, which surrogate mother will leave family on festive time?As per Megan needs and demand her surrogate should act. Megan has no patience. Megan forgets what she has been telling IPs for so many years. Megan is not even equal to the dust beneath the feet of GoodKimH.

See how Megan sells her new company-- very easy now that Megan has beautiful babies and so much money from India and has no problems with birth certificate.

I have been to Mumbai twice and Delhi four times in the past 4 years -  is a cess pit compared to Bangkok.
I never thought I would say this, but if I had my time again, and if Thailand would put my name on the baby's birth certificate, I would go to Thailand --

You are not going to encounter.. ie beggars with small babies in their arms knocking at your window while making "feed my baby" signs at you.  

I want to remind Megan how she sent E mail saying megan cannot afford spending money  going to Surrogacy Australia conference because - megan has to feed her family and pay mortgage.  She needs the money for her kids. Megan has told others also about her need for money for her family.
So surrogate agent Megan will do all this for money. All who read her web will understand.




Trying to get in touch with our surrogates (from Amani and Bob's blog)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trying to get in touch with our surrogates

So many have asked, so few get a result ... ask to be in contact with your surrogate or surrogates, and you get denied. You will get bullshit, you will be told they don't want to get in touch with you, and how dare you ask to bother them.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Megan Sainsbury <megansainsbury@optusnet.com.au>
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 1:50 PM
Subject: rani and mithu

HI all

Can you please give the contact details for Rani and Mithu. 

I have not been able to contact them through the addresses on the surrogacy contract.

It is important for me and Bob, that we can have ongoing communication, for the sake of Toby and Mishali.

Both Rani and Mithu agreed to ongoing contact when we met them, in Delhi, at the time our babies were born.


Meg, Bob. Toby and Mishali.

From:  Saurabh Kumar
Subject:  Re: rani and mithu
Date:  15 October 2013 9:35:23 PM AWST
To:  megansainsbury@optusnet.com.au

Hello Megan,

I will start the process.

Meanwhile, please explain in what manner have you tried to contact the Surrogate mothers.

This address is of the main Surrogate home.


Saurabh Kumar.

Clearly I must justify my actions in trying to get in touch with Rani and Mithu, never SCI .. unless you do a publicity shoot of your meeting or media.

Hi Saurhab

Thank you for your email, I am really delighted in this time of ugliness you have even bothered to answer.

Rani was not in surrogate accommodation, I have sent money to her in the past few years via SCI, now I doubt she ever got it. This is why I would like to deal with her directly.

Mithhu - the only address i have for her is on the contract and that is the SCi accommodation. I have no reply to a letter and photos I sent over 6 months ago. I know it is unlikely she ever stayed there.



Anonymous said...
If your surrogates wanted to stay in touch you would of had their details from the beginning! Why try now when you kids sre 3 and over 1.....oh yeah to bring down sci. You said many many many times its a business transaction. Now you change your mind.
Amani (Meg) said...
Thanks for your ill-informed personal opinion anonymous. Toby is 3 years and 3 months of age. When he turned one I asked fro money to be given to his surrogate mother, whether it got there or not, I have no idea because the actual address on the contract is bogus. Mishali is 15 months of age, I have asked SCI repeatedly for access to her, only to be denied. So how about YOu tell me what I have done, and what I have tried to do, and YOU prove your rubbish comment. Please also prove where I have said many many many times its a business transaction. if you want a sensible discussion, email me, otherwise, go to Youtube and be a troll there.
Anonymous said...
have you seen this? http://delhidaydreams.blogspot.com.au
Amani (Meg) said...
Yup, it's Karen Lynagh from Ireland who works for SCI, has done so for over a year, but posts as a happy SCI client in various forums, mainly Fertility Friends in UK. Did a bunch of invoices for her to make sure she got paid.
Choco Mayan said...
I don't understand why they don't let you keep in touch with your surrogates. Are they hiding something that you are not supposed to know or find out?
In addition, I think Aussies' gov needs surro mom's consent for passport renewals, if you can't locate the surro mom, does this mean you can't renew the passports for your little ones?
Amani (Meg) said...
apparently surrogates will exploit IPs for money. That's what Shivani told me. There is a form B9 or B -something, that you can complete and state you tried but cannot get in touch with your surrogate. I guess a lot of people will be using that.
Choco Mayan said...
Hard to imagine how a poor indian woman can exploit me when she is 7000+ miles away. Sure, she can use guilt and feel bad tactics, but at the end of the day, if the IP don't wanna give her any money, there is nothing much she can do. On the other hand, if I am lucky enough to become a mom again with the help of a surrogate, I don't think I would mind to send her gifts and some small sums from time to time.
Anonymous said...
Perhaps the surrogates just wish to move on with their lives? Quite understandable. Emotional attachments can be quite draining...
Amani (Meg) said...
true, and that would be fair enough
Anonymous said...
This concerned me as well. When we met our surro mom before we left, we gave her cash and Rachna was guarding her like a hawk - they must be hiding something.
andy said...
I also was back and forth on the decision of to meet or not to meet. At the time, you go with what your gut tells you. There's nothing in the rules that says you can't change your mind.
Crystal said...
I am not sure why this Karen person has me on her mind. Someone sent me a comment that she wrote in 2009 regarding me on a now closed forum. It certainly looks like the pot calling the kettle black...It is okay for her to be paid for her work for referrals but no one else? I guess Meghan does now what is underneath this rock!



Posts: 7
Join date: 2009-05-07
Location: Ireland



I would give my left arm to have gone through any experience with Shivani because at the end of the day - SHIVANI gave you and others your baby!!!!!!! THAT IS THE ISSUE!!!!!

And equally there have been many who did get pregnant and as with every surrogacy clinic there is good and bad. However, it is up to each of us to look at the facts and go with our own beliefs. Many of us have looked at other clinics who are successful but there have been couples who did not have success and became very anti those clinics. That seems to be the way it goes with surrogacy. If all goes well they are the best clinic in the world, however if something goes awry then there are problems with that clinic, etc....

When I first began speaking with you you had issues with cleanliness, etc at Dr Patel's. Others had issues with SI that is why others were looking for alternatives to those clinics. Basically, what I am saying is that all people need to read EVERYONE's story and then decide on their own who is the best clinic for them to work with.

You look at Amani as Shivani's henchwoman- I however have found her very helpful and supportive. You bash Amani as having an incentive. However, You also receive a consulting fee for sending patients to certain clinics as does Crystal---that is your decision and also your incentive.

I have spoke to quite a few people whom are home with their babies safe and sound and cannot thank Shivani enough for what she has done for them. Dolly Rocker the main thing is do not take my opinion or her opinion as gospel ---look at all the clinics out there and all the blogs out there and decide from there. Contact people and see what their experiences are and then make a decision.

hope your little one is doing well - you are one of the lucky ones whose dream came to fruition. The rest of us are still waiting.

Best wishes to you Dolly Rocker and others looking into this process.


SCI Journey said...
Dear Meg
It's Meegan from Tassie, and we have 2 perfect SCI babies to which you helped plan and assisted along the way. Meg, all the issues you have discovered, we knew about anyway. Or at the very least, assumed. To be honest, it was not feasible to think that Dr Shivani could afford to house our surrogate mothers in a 'hostel' with a hundred other surrogate mothers. Nor was it to take as fact that just about everyone's surrogate mother had been diagnosed with 'gestational diabetes' which required insulin that was 10 times more expensive than it is here in Australia!
Nor was it to have to pay for 'post c-section complications' when the day that apparently happened we were with our surrogate mother at the SCI office.
I am pleased that you have discovered these things and have confirmed what probably a lot of people already thought.
The thing is, would we have still gone ahead had we known these things prior to starting our journey with SCI? Yes. We were desperate to have a family and this appeared to be our only option. SCI know we are all vulnerable and desperate and perhaps they use this to their advantage. While this seems terrible by western standards, we also need to remember that we are engaging a clinic in a 3rd world country, that operates very differently to our own countries.

I would love to be able to stay in contact with our surrogate mothers, but we were told at the beginning that this is not possible. Whether this is fair or not, it is not up to us. It does not mean that we do not think of them all the time.

The thing I tell IP's if they ever ask - is to try and enjoy the journey for what it is. Don't get caught up in the politics of it all and don't make it about the money. Children are priceless. Have fun in the beautiful country that India is, try and focus on the positive and make it a memorable experience. And then if you are lucky enough to have a baby at the end of it like we were - twice - you will have a wonderful story to tell them. I will hold India in my heart forever - and no amount of 'unforeseen expenses' can take that away from me.

Love Meegan
Amani (Meg) said...
Hi Meegan, Nice to hear from you. I must have been the only one to know not all surrogates were in accommodation, feel a wee bit deceived as I was told they had 180 apartments for surrogates. I don't like the deception that goes on, and I won't promote it, especially terrible success rates. I do't know if it will be any better for people elsewhere, but I guess we all have to try and hope for the best (and have very big budgets) ... have seen too many people run out of money and have to quit. Those of us who have our children have been very very fortunate.
Anonymous said...
Don't the surrogates have a right to privacy? Who is an Intended Parent to demand their personal information?
Amani (Meg) said...
Yes, of course they have the right to privacy. That's not the issue in my case.

FCIArtbank - is Fertility Care India - ART Bank

Sunday, November 3, 2013

contacting our kids surrogate mums not going to happen

In response to http://fciartbank.blogspot.com.au

FYI - FCIArtbank - is Fertility Care India - ART Bank. Saurhab Kumar owns this agency and he has been involved with providing surrogates and egg donors to SCI Healthcare since its incepetion, 2009. I met him on a few occasions and he struck me as a lovely and kind man with the women who are recruited as surrogates and egg donors though his agency. I personally saw him with our surrogate Rani, who carried our Toby, at our final scan in June 2010. He was just so lovely in every way. Why he would now let down surrogates and donors and parents, is beyond me, I guess too much money makes everyone a grub.

From Saurhab's blog written in his own words:

Do Good and Cast in River ( Don't Expect Anything In Return) :: Neki Kar Dariya Mein Daal

I have been quiet for so long but now I wish to make some clarifications. I know that I will be very badly attacked and all cut and paste and put on website and all bad words said which is why many people may stay quiet on Megan Sainsbury. 

I will always defend myself and defend my family. One day when my kids are old enough to understand how they were brought into his world, this blog will have disappeared. If it ever surfaces, in any way, shape or form, I will honestly be able to tell them how they were born, and if they ever want to contact Rani or Mithu, I will honestly be able to say to them that the clinic who created them - SCI Healthcare - that I did so much to promote and support, including its surrogacy agent - YOU SAURHAB, got in the way of caring about Toby and Mishali's birth mothers and refused to do anything to foster a potential relationship between my beautiful children and the women who carried them into life.

 I run an ART Bank from more than 4 years. One of our team member  Megan left us few months back. She worked with us more than 3 years and during her working period she blessed with 2 cute babies via surrogacy (God Bless them). Her surrogates visit us  and I speak to them on phone, they  ask about the babies and about her. I always praise her. I have very good thought for her.

If you talk to our surrogate mothers and praise me, then why is it so hard for you to give me their contact details, or for you to ask them to contact me. That is all I wanted. i would love to be in touch with Rani and Mithu, but SCI has always prevented this, and now you are doing the same. You know that the address on every surrogacy contract is the accommodation at SCI, and you and I both know that Rani never stayed there, and I am okay with that. Mithus, I don't know. I can tell you, I have sent a letter to that address to Rani and one to Mithu, and there has been no response. This is why I have asked you to try and contavt them for me.


Now I am ashamed to tell them what Megan has done which is publicly writing that her babies are from a cess pit.

I don't think you are ashamed at all Saurhab. You know the truth - in no email or any blog post have I ever stated that my babies comes from a cess pit. Where did you get these words from? You did not get them from me. My babies are not from a cess pit, this is not something I would ever think much less say.  The term cess pit has never entered my mind, YOU brought up the words cess pit, not me. So please, give me some written proof where I have stated I think my surrogates mothers and my babies have come from a Cess Pit. If you are going to make such disgusting claims in public, you should back them up. Please provide some proof, and if you can't, then please big man enough to apologise to me.
 The very sad thing about you claiming this Saurhab, is that you state in your public blog that you "had" to tell our surrogates Rani and Mithu, that I said as such. You know I did not, and even if I did, would you care so little about surrogates that you would pass this on to them?  

We deal with number of surrogates and having rented 170+ apartments and according  our need, where surrogates live during their pregnancy. 

Back in 2009 when our blessed Rani carried out beloved Toby, I was told after the fact that she lived in her own home This came from Shivani's own mouth, I was fine with that! Now Shivani tells people "do you really think we have 180 apartments for pregnancy surrogates (as promoted by SCI) Add to this vraious embassies, UK in particular, trying to track down surrogate mothers through the SCi accommodation address, well when those surrogates actually go to  give their statement to Uk High Commission, they do state they never stayed in the apartments. It is actually okay that they don't all stay there, but please be honest with intended parents about who is in accommodation and who is not. 

 As we know that anytime IP may have need to contact their surrogate mother (may be for legal purpose or may be to know their well being) so for contract, we provide our main home address.  On our mail IP can do correspondence even after long time of delivery and we always revert them accordingly. We understand feeling of all IPs for their surrogate mothers.

As you know i have been with SCI for some time, anytime anyone wanted to get in contact with surrogate mother, they were denied.This is fact. You cannot deny this fact. Many people do want to be in contat with the amazing woman who gave birth to their children, as I do but we are all prevented, apart from a special few where they are given full access if they do a nice photo opportunity to promote SCI.  Saurhab, think what you like, but SCI/Shivani does not agree with contact with surrogate mothers, for whatever her reason is. It is just sad for parents they can't do this, while some can if they give back to SCI. I can tell you at least 20 cases of cleints wanting to be in contact with their surrogate mothers, all were denied. I don't even think you are aware of this, and I think if you were, maybe you would facilitiate this, but SCI doesn't not support this. Everyone who has emailed me in the past 4 years is told, "Your surrogate does not need to be disturbed". That is okay, but please don't bullshit about everyone being able to have contact with their surrogate mother. 


Now Megan has doubt whether her surrogate has ever been stayed on that given address or not. During Her pregnancy she never bothered but now suddenly she believed rumors and spreads rumors without any basis and need for contact has been occurred.

Which pregnancy is this? Toby's with Rani, or Mithu's with Mishali? Yes, I have tried, and you have no proof that I haven't. If you really cared about surrogates you supposedly care for, you would know I gave gifts, and money to Ranbi when we tried for Mishali in November 2011, approx AUD $1800 was to go to Rani, I have all the records, would you seriously like to challenge me about this? We also gave money in the same amount to our beloved egg donor R - did you know about this? I suspect you don't. Go and check this out with Gaurav, and if you don't believe me, then please be honest and God fearing enough to find put the facts I have the facts in invoices and emails to prove this, but I guess you don't want to open your eyes to the fact SCI never sent this money to Rani or to our donor R.   


Never bother for surrogate who miscarried but when another IP met her she is bothered. She talks about her on the blog with no respect for surrogate or for the IPs .

Let's get a few facts into the picture here and now: I can only assume from this comment you are talking about Santosh. Santosh was our first surrogate back in November, 2009 when we had transfer to two surogates, Santosh and Rani. The pregnancy with Santosh didn't continue at 7 weeks. We were very upset and at that time were very concerned for Santosh as we knew she had given so much out of her life to help us.
Bob and I actually never met either Santosh or Rani face to face, as is the same for many people doing surrogacy in India or wherever. One thing Saurhab cannot state is that I was never bothered by the loss at 7 weeks, for the baby or for Santosh. If you would like to check with the SCI client who had her baby with the help if Santosh, if she bothers to remember she actually had her three children through surrogacy india, and allowed her face to be plastered all over SCI billboards and signs and on media, she may well attest that we had many phone conversations about Santosh, and in those conversation, I expressed by concern for Santosh, I wanted Santosh to feel okay and I most certainly sent many emails about my concern for her. 

 We did so much for her to make her family complete and after making her dream come true, now I am getting such kind of outcome. 

You are getting no kind of outcome ...  I asked for contact with Rani and Mithu, I asked this of Shivani well before I asked you. Shivani denied me, and you deny me. In denying me, you deny Toby and Mishali. And perhaps you also deny Rani and Mithu. Yes you made our family complete, but please ask what Rani and Mithu want. Only you can do that. 

From which organization she has got her bundle of joy suddenly that organization has got so many faults in it, because she is no more associated with that organization and because now she believed all rumors spread by Kim Hendrix and others.  Kim Hendrix telling all lies that he surrogate did not stay at home with FCI supervision. Kim also telling lies to us that she is case manager for SCI when she come to India two times this year. Also telling this after she goes back to USA with her babies. Also telling same to US Embassy and many patients. (see her public post that she stopped since Jan 2013 to work with SCI. On purpose hide this from everyone even after go back to USA with babies), now Kim Hendrix husband sending legal threats.

I have no business arrangement with Kim Hendrix or others. Why you bring others into my own personal need to contact Rani and Mithu is beyond my understanding. Say what you like about others, it has no bearing on the fact that I have asked you to put me in touch with Mithus and Rani. If they do not eant this, then I am okay with that. But given your behaviour I doubt you wold bother to contact either of them and tell them we would like to send siple photos and a card. 

We have no. of patients who had never faced any problem to communicate with their surrogate mothers after delivery. It is my responsibility too.

Well this is absolute rubbish Saurhab, perhaps SCI did not tell you of the many clients who wanted to stay in touch with their surrogates. No-one is allowed to contact their surrogate mothers after birth. In fact, the usual line from SCi is "your surrogate has gone back to her village" .. after a C-section, yeah right, 1-2 days after baby was born? What a load of crap.

We have another IP from the same country. She asked us to meet with her surrogate mother after two and half year of her delivery and we organized their meeting. If we can organize meeting with her surrogate then how our ex team member can claim that we have no contact with our surrogate mothers. They used the photos in a surrogate mother study so Megan is very angry and sudden need to contact her surrogate has occurred. 
It is heartbreaking and disappointing when you do everything and in revert instead of support you get nasty remarks from the other side.

Yes and we all know who this parent is, Kim H. from AUstralia. On all the bill boards and promotional material SCI pumps out to promote the relationships between parents and surrogates. What a load of tripe. I know she was most likely being supportive of SCI in doing this, but I really hopes she now knows she is the only one to have long term contact with her surrogate, as we discussed in emails in the past.


jon said...
While I agree that there should be "distance" with the surrogates mostly because of privacy reasons and cultural differences, I also condemn the attitude of most clinics (actually all of them in India) who oppose any contact whatsoever purely for their own selfish reasons and protection (protection of clinics that is and fear that IPs will discover what really happened during the surrogate's experience, housing, compensation, whether hospitalizations occurred or not, etc)

What we did with our surrogate is we asked her to open a bank account IN HER NAME, not her husbands or anyone else's, and also to send a copy of her PAN card (national ID card) so we could verify the bank account was legitimate and we routinely wire her money without getting our clinic involved. They don't want to be involved really so we dont' want them involved anymore either, fair enough, it is a business transaction after all and they provided the "service". They are not responsible for residual communication. This, I'm afraid to say, is all that most IPs can hope for, sending the surrogate some money now and then with the hope that she is getting it and using it for her personal needs or important family needs. I'm hoping that your clinic will at least help you setup this sort of arrangement and not act as an intermediary for money transfers (not a good idea)

PS - we've asked our surrogate to send some sort of acknowledgment by email that the funds have been received but we never do get this verification, even tho the clinic is not involved. Not an easy issue by any stretch; one can only hope that the funds are being used to alleviate someone's poverty
crystal said...
I have always been very vocal on this side of the subject, and my personal opinion is that I am not for intended parents pursing this option. From my years in the business, I see what has happens on the other side as well. Many times intended parents are barraged with telephone calls from the surrogates family or extended family requesting more money. Often times they are relentless at achieving the goal of getting more money. I have had clients then go back and complain to the doctor, to intercede on their behalf when often it has been months since the doctor last saw the surrogate. It is a touchy area. When our son, Mark saw his surrogate a few years ago she referred to herself as his other mother, and I can tell you that I was personally caught off guard, and I was glad that he was to young to comprehend what had transpired. I do tell my clients not to try to pursue a relationship, if they do it is on them. The language barrier alone generally prohibits this process from fully happening in the long run.

While noble, the situations generally fizzle out, or do not end well.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Former SCI client discusses the truth about Surrogacy in India

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Further update, MAY 2013 STATS - Why I left SCI Healthcare, Dr Shivani, Delhi India

So while we're talking about transparency, Karen Lynagh over at Drippy Delhi Dreamers or some such thing is a client manager with SCI, has been for well over a year. One of the last communications I had with her was invoicing Vishal for her CM work to ensure she was paid.  Seems my stats were good enough to present at Surrogacy Australia conference in 2012, but now they are simply "Megan's stats" that have no accuracy. I left in May, of course I have stats for Mar/April/and most for May. I did stay in touch with clients. She's also posting on Fertility friends UK forum as Kare72 posing as a happy IP clearly to shill for clients. I don't have a business partner, I am a sole operator, odd she knows so much about my business structure. If you're going to post defamatory comments, people will take legal action against you, not me, I don't have the money. If you're going to claim business partnerships and drag two agents into a mess that does not involve them because Shivani happens to be paranoid,  perhaps you should not believe all she tells you. And s for minimising your role at SCI, I did your invoices Karen. I have your referral list, well over 20 clients on it. It's fine to have clients and be paid for it, if you do some work. It's not okay to abuse others who have always been transparent, even to their own detriment. If you're going to make public claims about me staling clients, you better have seen every single email I sent to SCI clients when I left, all stating that I had left, how did their cycle go, if they need anything not sure if I could help, but would always be there. I built relationship with clients, of course I was going to say goodbye. For the record, how many clients do I have from SCI? One. How many clients do I have? More than enough. There are none so blind so those who will not see.

I never felt I would ever have to write this blog post. I know a lot of you love her, I did too, but no more. I decided to leave comments open, I have had many interesting comments, to this blog and many emails to me personally. Thanks to those who have supported me in making this very hard decision to go public, it was your encouragement that allowed me to do this. To the trolls, (20% of the comments and no emails direct) if you want to send personal attacks, 1. didn't read your comment in full, first negative word I binned it, and 2. if you really want to be part of the solution and not the problem, you have my email address.

I am going to make a post to answer some of the questions as to my motivation as to why i wrote this post, that is for another post. Please keep in mind, I don't need to justify myself, but I will, and only because you asked.

I worked with SCI Healthcare from 2009, til early 2013. When I started working with this doctor, she was brilliant.  My babies Toby and Mishali were born through her medical care, and forever I will be happy about this. Grateful? Now? No.To Rani and Mithu who carried my babies? Yes, To Shivani? No, Why no?  Because repeated requests to be in touch with Rani and Mithu, I have been denied.

In March 2013 I left SCI Healthcare because of numerous reports of over-charging. I left because of the incredibly high rate of surrogate hospitalisations, which gouged clients for money, but for which were never receipted to the client. I left because I did not believe SCI was actually doing FET for clients who were gay. single de facto, and I left because  they were quoting pregnancy stats they I personally collated over  years, that they relied upon to bring clients in, that were no longer true. I left because they were telling clients their surogates lived in accommodation, when they didn't, I left because they charged clients for services never given, and I left because when anyone quesstioned an account, or a medivsl report, or dared to ask about the progress of their pregnancy, Shivani personally got involved and was abusive to clients, accused clients of not caring about their surrogates, and then I had to deal with the emotions of the shattered IPs.

SCI Healthcare and Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, her husband Dr Vishal Dutt Gour, and their primary client manager,  Margarida Maia, South Australia, are now all resting on their laurels. They are feeding you bullshit. It's great to see the babies being born, and promoting the positive, but where are the new pregnancy announcements? When will the baby births run out? Very soon.

Here is the truth about SCI Healthcare's actual stats now, not the old ones I collated from 2009, which I was very proud of. To be updated while I count the actual cycle numbers.

MARCH 2013 - Total cycles: 46

Total fresh egg collections with egg donor:  24
Positive - 5
Negative - 16
Chemical - 3

Total FET from egg donor cycle - 18
Positive - 5
Negative - 8
Chemical - 5

Total fresh egg collection from self-cycle: 3
Positive -
Negative - 3

Total FET from self-cycle: 1
Negative - 1

APRIL, 2013 - 26 cycles

Total fresh egg collections with egg donor:  6
Positive - 1
Negative –3
Chemical –2

Total FET from egg donor cycle: 16
Positive – 2
Negative –14

Total fresh egg collection from self-cycle: 3
Positive - 1
Negative - 2

Total FET from self-cycle: 1
Negative - 1

MAY 2013
Total : 38

Total fresh egg collections with egg donor:  12
Positive - 4
Negative - 8
Chemical – 0
Miscarriage - 2

Total FET from egg donor cycle - 14
Positive - 4
Negative - 10
Chemical - 1

Total fresh egg collection from self-cycle: 4
Positive - 2
Negative - 2

Results not known: 8


I&amp;D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I&amp;D said...
Good on you Meg. This is the right choice. SCI are renowned around the world for over charging. We know this first hand.
Ian and David
Anonymous said...
scumbags ripped us off too, 19 days in NICU for a baby that didn't need to be there, and I couldn't get him to transfer to another hospital. Guess we all just have to bow down to the Goddess and be happy we have a baby.
andy said...
Anonymous said...
What trash Meg!
Amani (Meg) said...
yep. complete trash
Bob said...
No one can deny anyone else feedback, but to date all the feedback I have seen has been negative.]
Anonymous said...
Hi, I agree with your post. Last year I looked for this doctor to do surrogacy using my own eggs. I made all the tests and after that She told me that I didn´t have enough eggs. So, I found another indian doctor (excelente doctor!), I did the treatment with her and I got 11 good embryos. My surrogate got pregnant at first try and now, my baby will be born soon. Regards.
Anonymous said...
Shame on them - just expose them as much as possible so vulnerable IPs do not fall into this scam trap like what most of us have fallen into with no results to show at all even after paying large amounts of dollars towards the SCI account. Indian police should jail those involved & close this place down.
Michael's surrogacy Journey said...
Meg I understand your pain and you have been there for me sooo much. I may have been a lucky one I was never overcharged and was in and out of India in 9 days. I strongly believe that It was that way because I was always on there ass. But Meg even if I would have paid $40k its far less then the $133K in the USA. I to would love to write a letter to my Surrogate Munnami and send her nice things from the USA, but I have been denied that too. The only thing I care about is I met wonderful people along the way like you and so many IPS, and in the end I have the most important thing in my life my Isabella. Meg you have to do what MAKES YOU HAPPY. I am glad that you stood up for what you feel, so many people don't. I love you Meg always will.
Anonymous said...
Many of us know this to be true. Several of us live in a total state of fear thought our ongoing pregnancies w SCI - you can't ask a question without having you head ripped off and accusing them of wrong doing, the surro hosptilazations are off the charts, there is no actual proof of these hospitalizations provided - only demands for more money. I am anonymous because we are still pregnant and live in fear every single day that something is going to go wrong. FEAR we should not have this of our clinic or our doctor. We will never ever do this again and we will happily go public once this clinic is out of our lives. We have spoken to many other IPs with the same feelings. We feel that we were totally misled, and get bills for something new. Instead of joy, we are scared and financially exposed. We will hopefully have our family, but this has not been the experience we had hoped. Thank you for your honesty, we spoke to you at the start and wondered what had happened. Now we know. Did the US person helping them leave for this reason too? We also spoke with her and then contact stopped and she hasn't said why. Good for you moving on, this was brave of you.
Anonymous said...
Thanks Meg for saying this so everyone in the process of deciding can take your experience into serious consideration given all of your experience and expertise on this matter. We have a 3.5 year old born in Mumbai with another clinic, Rotunda, and went basically with opinions of others who had gone before us which had been very positive. Then the management (doctors) changed, and when we went for baby pick-up, it was chaotic. Never recommended them in spite of our first-time success (as I believe it was due to the prior doctor/management team). I also have to add that we were not OVER charged but only charged a little over half of what was supposedly the supposed total, given the contractual fee documents. It was chaotic. Previously, we also tried the USA for invitro with donor eggs for me before considering surrogacy in India, and we got bills for months from this clinic (500 USD here, 300USD there, etc) for stuff, until I called them to complain and it suddenly stopped. We had taken my previous IVF-Fertility reports in Spanish which they said they understood and accepted, yet they did them all over again! Yep, we had signed a small print that they could do the tests they deemed necessary and that we would pay for them. This was IVF-New Jersey USA. So, with this, I want to say, "caveat empoter". Buyer-beware. Money runs through one's fingers quickly with infertility, so one has to be VERY careful and do their due-dilegence. Opinions like yours do help people make choices as clinics evolve for better or worse.
Kim Hendrix, Complete Surrogacy Solutions said...
Holy crap Megan, aren't you afraid that you'll be taken out by the knees? Don't think I'd be hanging in Delhi anytime soon. Seriously, brave of you to put this out here, honesty is the path forward. It really is.

Rhy and Drew said...
This must have been a very difficult post to write. I appreciate your choice to be honest especially knowing that there very well may be ugliness directed at you because of it. You're in my thoughts.
Anonymous said...
Meg, thank you on behalf of all IPs, potential and otherwise. This was very brave of you to write, and we are all in your debt, not just for this post, but all your advice in the past.
Anonymous said...
i sent emails weeks ago and have no answers from margarida, only sent crazy emails about you, how unprofessional, i found a new clinic
Choco Mayan said...
Thanks Meg! All IPs would thx you for that. Me, personally, thx you to prove that I am not crazy and my suspicions are now proven to be true!
Amani (Meg) said...
Ah but CM, remember you are me, or me posting as you, or some such rot. Did dr K comment on how much we look alike?
Anonymous said...
You are a person with outstanding morals, honesty and integrity. Good on you for exposing this clinic and for providing factual information and saying it how it is.

I have twins that were born via a surrogate in the US and reading surrogacy blogs has always been an interest of mine.

I was always suspicious when reading the blogs about the continuous supposed hospitalisation of the surrogates, and the exorbitant NICU fees.

Unfortunately these clinics and doctors thrive on greed, and they are getting greedier and greedier and finding loopholes and ways to extract more money from clients holding their dreams and babies 'hostage' and to ransom.

Shame on you Shivani and these clinics for cashing in on the vulnerability of society.

Good on you Meg for disabling hopefully some future potential clients and encouraging them to look elsewhere.
Amani (Meg) said...
Thanks, of course any positive comment I receive, I MUST have written myself. :)
Amani (Meg) said...
HEY IDIOT, SEE STATS ABOVE, REAL STATS, REAL FACTS, REAL CLIENTS. Success real were great until recently, so I left ,others didn't knowing full well what was going on.
Crystal said...
Today is actually a very sad day for those who are thinking about surrogacy in India, or are in the dreaded two week wait. With surrogacy in flux, in India and women's groups trying with all their power to shut surrogacy down. I cannot believe that Dr. Shivani would not try to address the concerns that you have outlined. Why would anyone let it go this far? I am sure today that thousands read your blog. Those of us in the business and those not in the business received lots of inquires and personal stories from intended parents who used that clinic who felt that issues went unaddressed or felt cheated. It is obvious that this is not new. For the sake of surrogacy in India, it would behoove doctors in the business to really have a frank conversation with those who they work with to get a realistic temperature on what is out in blog land. Failure to do so, could mean your livelihood.
Anonymous said...
Ugh. This is so heartbreaking. I love India so much and spent so much time there, but why all this corruption? How can a so-called medical professional be no better than a sleazy tout working the streets of Pahar Ganj?

I suppose, fortunately, GOI blocked me from forking over everything I have to this clinic back in January.
crystal said...
Those stats are horrific. When IP's ask me stats on docs in India, I generally tell them that I cannot supply that and I refuse to lie. I can only give them what I know of my own clients. In India inflating of stats has gone on a long time. Clearly if a doctor in India is seeing more than 200 new clients monthly, which many do...why are not thousands of baby being born from one clinic? It doesn't make sense.
Amani (Meg) said...
there are more to c. ome, I don't know what went wrong, they don't know what went wrong, whatever it was just wasn't addressed, and to their credit they did a lot of FETs without charge, whether those FETs were actually donor or not, I have no idea, anyone can doctor a report. It makes no sense I leave a place I helped to establish, a job I loved, and was paid for, when my husband was out of work, put myself and my family in the financial doghouse, if Im such a lying money grubber as Montreal Canada claims. For the record, once I realised the problem was not going to go away, I refused payment for anyone who wasn't pregnant, haven't been paid since June anyway, so I had a good 4 months to blog all this, I just chose yesterday due to 2 cases in one week where babies dating completely wrong for their supposed birth weights and size were brought to my attention. Enough is enough. that goes for every clinic, in every country.
Anonymous said...
3 surrogate hospitalizations and no invoices provided, just little emails asking for more money every couple of weeks. It was abject Hell the entire time. Not to mention the extra 1,000 inr each time extra for "exchange fluctuations" nickle and dime for every single thing. Insane. Just because someone can help create a baby doesn't make him/her a God who can do anything to anyone without some sort of fallout. Ego, greed, and lack of moral code. Great thing in a doctor. Thanks for saying what the rest of us are too afraid to say. I hate that these kinds of doctors are going to be the ruination of something that could be so great for so many. Sad state of affairs all the way around.
Anonymous said...
The hospital SCI used in our journey was absolutely disgusting and completely unacceptable.
Anonymous said...
Very interesting post. I have had similar conversations with fellow IPs with SCI and the odd 'lack of transparency regarding these hospital stays. I guess I can call myself lucky for just having a 5-day stay close to the end of the pregnancy after a completely uneventful pregnancy. I don't know what to think exactly. I chalked it up to doing business in a different culture and was able to keep moving forward with the process in the hope of having two babies which is exactly what happened. I applaud your honesty and realized you could have done this post months before. All I can say is what goes around comes around.
Anonymous said...
Thanks Meg for coming out with what has truly been going on behind the scenes at SCI. I guess we are one of the several victims who have paid thousands for 8 BFN results & paid large amounts for positive results we so want but not achieved as yet. Each time we have questioned this we have been met with sperm analysis issue or Margarida's story of failed 6 attempts which should not be the issue. I am sick of paying for something which has given us so much heartache. Yeh for sure we are in West but seriously our money here doesn't grow on trees for Indian docs to fleece us off as some milk cow machine which has plenty to give. We too are going through great financial challenges at the moment & are not millionaires just becoz we live in the West.
This so sad.
Megan said...
To the commenters asking why I promoted SCi for four years and now leave - I am sure I have made it perfectly clear that things were brilliant for the majority of that time. Success rates - real stats - collected by me as best I could totalling over 600 cycles and representing approx 80% of SCI clients - were as promoted in information literature and on the website. Things changed and when I saw the results dive and stay low for several months, I was out of there. I cannot sleep at night seeing the devastation of IPs with negative results, knowing they were not the only ones to get the bad news. Something was going wrong and it wasn't fixed, and I don't now what was wrong nor how to fix it. That doesn't mean I had to support it. So I didn't. Now I can sleep at night, and to anyone who questions my ethics and morals, ask yourself what you would have done in the same position as me. For the record, this is not about money, it is about giving the truth so people who are in the same position I was once in, childless and longing for a baby, a choice.
Rhy and Drew said...
Anyone who is asking you that question needs to remember that people have a right to change their minds. As I gain more experience, as new information emerges and as a situation evolves it changes my opinion. Their was a time when I recommended PH. I did that based on the information I had at the time and the experience I had at the time. The fact that I can't support them now is nothing more than me gaining information and experience. Maya Angelou said it best, "When you know better you do better.”
Anonymous said...
We have been with SCI for over 2 years now, we have 2 donors flown from Europe for cycles, and many frozen tries. We have 8 negative results. is it meant to be this hard? The donors are good, so I was told, and my doctor says my sperm is normal. Still no baby. They did give me some free frozen embryo cycles, but still nothing. I don't know what to do, do i try another clinic? Would it be any better if i did, or would I start again and o trough more of the same. I am not blaming this doctor, she has always been very nice to me. NL
Amani (Meg) said...
Smiles, you made your own life hell, a tip to get you through life. Pay your bills!
Anonymous said...
This is a shock. I hope everything will be okay, we have our twins, I hope others can too, but I am really shocked.
Anonymous said...
This is very difficult to hear. You were a big part of why we chose SCI. We were fortunate to get a positive on our first self cycle. Now with about 3 months to go, our anxiety levels are even higher. We trusted you and your advice and took it. Now you're telling us that it was all wrong. What to Believe?
Anonymous said...
You said: "I left because they were telling clients their surogates lived in accommodation, when they didn't"
OMG, Where they really live?
Anonymous said...
OMG! Our suspicions is right! I wonder if our surrogates got our gift especially money! Thank you Meg xxx
Anonymous said...
Hi Meg
Sad to read this.
We are very grateful for all of your assistance to us during our cycles.
Best wishes
Anonymous said...
Hi Meg, thanks for being so honest. We almost chose SCI last year (we have briefly been in touch with you through e-mails), but we ultimately chose to go with Dr Meenakshi in Mumbai. I am now glad we did. I just wanted to tell people that not everybody is bad and corrupt. Dr Meenakshi is not very known (as she mostly serve Indian clients) but she served us very well, and, instead of charging more than what we had been told, she charged less. She was also a woman with a lot of heart, which we were pleasantly surprised about. Otherwise, the corruption level we have experienced with the Indian government was very high. A nightmare in fact. Be prepared to keep extra cash in your pocket to "make things work" with them.
Amani (Meg) said...
I am confident gifts to surrogates get to them, thee is no reason for staff or anyone at SCi to not give gifts.

I am certainly not saying everyone is corrupt and bad, not at all, there are some good options for surrogacy in India. There are just some things to be aware of when choosing a clinic, one being surrogate hospitalisation, the other being success rates. Everyone sould ask for proof of success rates, the number of cycles, and ask how the statistics are collected, and how often.

Re: surrogate accommodation - I was told they had 180 apartments for surrogates, another agent told "do you really think I have 180 apartments for surrogates?" It's okay for a surrogate to not be in accommodation provided by the clinic, but clients should be aware their surrogate may not be, and if they really want this - and not everyone does - then tell the clinic you want this.
New Year Dreaming said...
Disappointed to read this Meg. How does this serve any positive purpose but to frighten intended IP's? I understand you feel the need to vent but there are two sides to every story. We had mostly a smooth pregnancy for our three and whilst I was initially pissed annoyed by some extra costs it was evident how these came about....For all intended IP's do your research and do it well. I researched many clinics across India, Thailand and the USA and found that SCI was the best for us......I maintain this opinion. I will always be grateful to Dr S and the SCI angels for making our dream come true.
Amani (Meg) said...
IPs should be frightened, they should also be told the truth. i believe you had your children at a time when success rates were high. You had success on the first try. This rarely happens these days. i ask you, if you were starting the process now and thought you had over 70% chance of success, but then discovered you actually had less than 25% chance of success, even with egg donor, s=would you have signed up? This is not about venting, if I wanted to vent, I would have done that when I left 5 months ago.
Anonymous said...
We've had four tries, Indian egg donor with two surrogates, both negative and two FETs with 2 surrogates, both negative. Is it reasonable to expect a pregnancy with this many tries? Is this a lot of tries? They are quoting 90% of clients pregnant with 3 tries, I guess we in the "unlucky" 10%. We know it doesn't always work, but we don't know what to do now.
Anonymous said...
Your following statement is NOT accurate:

"May 2013
FET cycles, all negative
Fresh egg donor cycles, 15% positive ongoing pregancy"

We had our first FET in May. 4 embryos were thawed, 2 survived, 2 were implanted, and we are far along with twins now.
Amani (Meg) said...
Were you on my client list? If not, then you would not have been included in my stats, my stats are from people who I have dealt with me or Margarida, approx 80% of clients. Good luck to you, I am happy you are pregnant. I base stats on date of beta result, so maybe your had your beta in June.
Anonymous said...
Our beta result was in May. I was in communication with Margarida and you.
Amani (Meg) said...
Then you are welcome to email me, my email address is on this blog. I have not yet collated actual results for May, and I don't have them all, I have 38 cycles that I was involved with along with Margarida. I have 8/38 results not given to me by SCI. Do you really want me to spend the one day of the week I have off from work and being with my family to go and collate May 2013 for you? Why don't you ask SCI what the May stats were.
Anonymous said...
It didn't even cross my mind for you to "spend a day" to "go and collate" May's results. Strange you even think that. I am simply pointing out that your statement about no successful May FETs is wrong.
Amani (Meg) said...
and I am not willing to go into a debate with you on this lovely Sunday afternoon. As I said, I do not have all the results from May 2013 given that SCI sent emails to all and sundry telling them I was out to poach clients from them and I lost contact with a lot of people at that stage. So if you would like to know whether you are included in the stats i have, then send me an email, tell me your name and I will verify for you.
Anonymous said...
There is no debate. We had a positive May FET, and you say they were "all negative." For this reason, I already know that we are not included in your stats. Enjoy your day!
Anonymous said...
There is no debate. You said all May FETs were negative, and we had a positive. Clearly we were not a part of your statistics, and you should clarify that you do not have all results. It is misleading otherwise.
Amani (Meg) said...
Mel, it's easy to duck and cover when you haven't been hurt, overcharged, abused. You had a great cycle, pregnant first time, 2 surrogates, 3 babies. It's not like that for everyone. This is not about you and your love for what you have, it's about how things have changed.

SCI had a lot of success, and now they don't. End of story, I am not denying previous success and I have made that perfectly clear in my post.

This is about those that come after us.

If you think I have dirty play, then tell me why, emil me tell me why you thought I was just the bees knees, and why you think I now suck. I guess you don't have to stomach for that, so up to you. My lines of communication are always open.

BTW, I still work with India, just not SCI.

Amani (Meg) said...
Dear Anon, I will take off time to addressed you concerns. I will collate the May stats, I will post them. I will do this just for you. Screw me spending time with my children, God, how dare I put my family first? As Shivani told me for years, I don't have any time to be with Neil, why should you?
Anonymous said...
Please don't finally bother to collate the May stats for me. Besides being contradictory (How can you collate them if you don't have all of the results? And why wouldn't you have collated them sooner instead of saying "all negative"?), you have a horrid tone, so I will not ever return to you and this topic.
Amani (Meg) said...
Well, just for you I did,SInce you are so knowledgeable about stats from SCI, why did I not collate them sooner? Because I made the post on the hop, while I had the emotional ability to do so, while I was feeling brave enough to take on these arsewipes. So thanks for your contribution. Ciao bella
Tigerlilycat said...
I think the key thing here is that THINGS CAN CHANGE, so research research research to see if a particular clinic can still offer what those prior to you experienced. India changes very very quickly and clinics we were in touch with five years ago are just about unheard of now. This doesn't mean they're not doing great work still - it's highlighting how many new players there are. And more players offers more choice, which is both good and bad. All clinics that deal with Western clients need to be able to meet expectations of those clients. If you can't, please don't offer your services to foreigners. I'm a veteran of the Indian surrogacy scene and have seen a lot!!

To Megan - I agree. If you had an axe to grind you would have done so before now. Something very obviously changed for you to write this post, whether that be things not adding up for you (as information was withheld) or IPs sharing more (as you're no longer with SCI). Having known you for a long time now, I know you want others to experience what you have - and nothing more. It's not about money. It's about the pure joy we feel meeting our baby / babies and watching them grow after years and years of negotiating slippery slopes to get there. It would be great to see the SCI birth stats in early 2014 prove Meg wrong, and I'm sure Meg would agree with this!! Will also be interesting to see how Dr Patel's stats change as a result of the purpose built one-stop-shop being constructed in Anand. Super clever to build apartments for baby pickup into your new clinic and hospital.

Anonymous said...
Well, I am not with SCI, but looking at the stats excluding the bad macroeconomic environment of India, they are around 50% less than the usual volume(around 200+ babies annually), which is alarming. April's stat is super weak. If I got a positive this year, I would be worry and pray that I don't get a huge bill for extra hospitalisation.
Basically, we can plug the cash flow stream, and since most of the payment is made at week 28-32. The months of Dec and Jan will be tough months unless there is an extreme rebound in month of June, July, which I doubt as I haven't read a lot of BFP news lately. When a biz is getting really tough months, it can cut cost or try to find ways to increase revenue. Common sense!
Amani (Meg) said...
Myleen, you are as nasty as ever, I am not interested in what goes on in that that twisted little brain of yours, comments are disabled go spread your evil elsewhere. You have zero credibility.