Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trying to get in touch with our surrogates (from Amani and Bob's blog)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trying to get in touch with our surrogates

So many have asked, so few get a result ... ask to be in contact with your surrogate or surrogates, and you get denied. You will get bullshit, you will be told they don't want to get in touch with you, and how dare you ask to bother them.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Megan Sainsbury <megansainsbury@optusnet.com.au>
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 1:50 PM
Subject: rani and mithu

HI all

Can you please give the contact details for Rani and Mithu. 

I have not been able to contact them through the addresses on the surrogacy contract.

It is important for me and Bob, that we can have ongoing communication, for the sake of Toby and Mishali.

Both Rani and Mithu agreed to ongoing contact when we met them, in Delhi, at the time our babies were born.


Meg, Bob. Toby and Mishali.

From:  Saurabh Kumar
Subject:  Re: rani and mithu
Date:  15 October 2013 9:35:23 PM AWST
To:  megansainsbury@optusnet.com.au

Hello Megan,

I will start the process.

Meanwhile, please explain in what manner have you tried to contact the Surrogate mothers.

This address is of the main Surrogate home.


Saurabh Kumar.

Clearly I must justify my actions in trying to get in touch with Rani and Mithu, never SCI .. unless you do a publicity shoot of your meeting or media.

Hi Saurhab

Thank you for your email, I am really delighted in this time of ugliness you have even bothered to answer.

Rani was not in surrogate accommodation, I have sent money to her in the past few years via SCI, now I doubt she ever got it. This is why I would like to deal with her directly.

Mithhu - the only address i have for her is on the contract and that is the SCi accommodation. I have no reply to a letter and photos I sent over 6 months ago. I know it is unlikely she ever stayed there.



Anonymous said...
If your surrogates wanted to stay in touch you would of had their details from the beginning! Why try now when you kids sre 3 and over 1.....oh yeah to bring down sci. You said many many many times its a business transaction. Now you change your mind.
Amani (Meg) said...
Thanks for your ill-informed personal opinion anonymous. Toby is 3 years and 3 months of age. When he turned one I asked fro money to be given to his surrogate mother, whether it got there or not, I have no idea because the actual address on the contract is bogus. Mishali is 15 months of age, I have asked SCI repeatedly for access to her, only to be denied. So how about YOu tell me what I have done, and what I have tried to do, and YOU prove your rubbish comment. Please also prove where I have said many many many times its a business transaction. if you want a sensible discussion, email me, otherwise, go to Youtube and be a troll there.
Anonymous said...
have you seen this? http://delhidaydreams.blogspot.com.au
Amani (Meg) said...
Yup, it's Karen Lynagh from Ireland who works for SCI, has done so for over a year, but posts as a happy SCI client in various forums, mainly Fertility Friends in UK. Did a bunch of invoices for her to make sure she got paid.
Choco Mayan said...
I don't understand why they don't let you keep in touch with your surrogates. Are they hiding something that you are not supposed to know or find out?
In addition, I think Aussies' gov needs surro mom's consent for passport renewals, if you can't locate the surro mom, does this mean you can't renew the passports for your little ones?
Amani (Meg) said...
apparently surrogates will exploit IPs for money. That's what Shivani told me. There is a form B9 or B -something, that you can complete and state you tried but cannot get in touch with your surrogate. I guess a lot of people will be using that.
Choco Mayan said...
Hard to imagine how a poor indian woman can exploit me when she is 7000+ miles away. Sure, she can use guilt and feel bad tactics, but at the end of the day, if the IP don't wanna give her any money, there is nothing much she can do. On the other hand, if I am lucky enough to become a mom again with the help of a surrogate, I don't think I would mind to send her gifts and some small sums from time to time.
Anonymous said...
Perhaps the surrogates just wish to move on with their lives? Quite understandable. Emotional attachments can be quite draining...
Amani (Meg) said...
true, and that would be fair enough
Anonymous said...
This concerned me as well. When we met our surro mom before we left, we gave her cash and Rachna was guarding her like a hawk - they must be hiding something.
andy said...
I also was back and forth on the decision of to meet or not to meet. At the time, you go with what your gut tells you. There's nothing in the rules that says you can't change your mind.
Crystal said...
I am not sure why this Karen person has me on her mind. Someone sent me a comment that she wrote in 2009 regarding me on a now closed forum. It certainly looks like the pot calling the kettle black...It is okay for her to be paid for her work for referrals but no one else? I guess Meghan does now what is underneath this rock!



Posts: 7
Join date: 2009-05-07
Location: Ireland



I would give my left arm to have gone through any experience with Shivani because at the end of the day - SHIVANI gave you and others your baby!!!!!!! THAT IS THE ISSUE!!!!!

And equally there have been many who did get pregnant and as with every surrogacy clinic there is good and bad. However, it is up to each of us to look at the facts and go with our own beliefs. Many of us have looked at other clinics who are successful but there have been couples who did not have success and became very anti those clinics. That seems to be the way it goes with surrogacy. If all goes well they are the best clinic in the world, however if something goes awry then there are problems with that clinic, etc....

When I first began speaking with you you had issues with cleanliness, etc at Dr Patel's. Others had issues with SI that is why others were looking for alternatives to those clinics. Basically, what I am saying is that all people need to read EVERYONE's story and then decide on their own who is the best clinic for them to work with.

You look at Amani as Shivani's henchwoman- I however have found her very helpful and supportive. You bash Amani as having an incentive. However, You also receive a consulting fee for sending patients to certain clinics as does Crystal---that is your decision and also your incentive.

I have spoke to quite a few people whom are home with their babies safe and sound and cannot thank Shivani enough for what she has done for them. Dolly Rocker the main thing is do not take my opinion or her opinion as gospel ---look at all the clinics out there and all the blogs out there and decide from there. Contact people and see what their experiences are and then make a decision.

hope your little one is doing well - you are one of the lucky ones whose dream came to fruition. The rest of us are still waiting.

Best wishes to you Dolly Rocker and others looking into this process.


SCI Journey said...
Dear Meg
It's Meegan from Tassie, and we have 2 perfect SCI babies to which you helped plan and assisted along the way. Meg, all the issues you have discovered, we knew about anyway. Or at the very least, assumed. To be honest, it was not feasible to think that Dr Shivani could afford to house our surrogate mothers in a 'hostel' with a hundred other surrogate mothers. Nor was it to take as fact that just about everyone's surrogate mother had been diagnosed with 'gestational diabetes' which required insulin that was 10 times more expensive than it is here in Australia!
Nor was it to have to pay for 'post c-section complications' when the day that apparently happened we were with our surrogate mother at the SCI office.
I am pleased that you have discovered these things and have confirmed what probably a lot of people already thought.
The thing is, would we have still gone ahead had we known these things prior to starting our journey with SCI? Yes. We were desperate to have a family and this appeared to be our only option. SCI know we are all vulnerable and desperate and perhaps they use this to their advantage. While this seems terrible by western standards, we also need to remember that we are engaging a clinic in a 3rd world country, that operates very differently to our own countries.

I would love to be able to stay in contact with our surrogate mothers, but we were told at the beginning that this is not possible. Whether this is fair or not, it is not up to us. It does not mean that we do not think of them all the time.

The thing I tell IP's if they ever ask - is to try and enjoy the journey for what it is. Don't get caught up in the politics of it all and don't make it about the money. Children are priceless. Have fun in the beautiful country that India is, try and focus on the positive and make it a memorable experience. And then if you are lucky enough to have a baby at the end of it like we were - twice - you will have a wonderful story to tell them. I will hold India in my heart forever - and no amount of 'unforeseen expenses' can take that away from me.

Love Meegan
Amani (Meg) said...
Hi Meegan, Nice to hear from you. I must have been the only one to know not all surrogates were in accommodation, feel a wee bit deceived as I was told they had 180 apartments for surrogates. I don't like the deception that goes on, and I won't promote it, especially terrible success rates. I do't know if it will be any better for people elsewhere, but I guess we all have to try and hope for the best (and have very big budgets) ... have seen too many people run out of money and have to quit. Those of us who have our children have been very very fortunate.
Anonymous said...
Don't the surrogates have a right to privacy? Who is an Intended Parent to demand their personal information?
Amani (Meg) said...
Yes, of course they have the right to privacy. That's not the issue in my case.

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